
介绍各种食材处理的书籍 食谱英语作文

小旺 2024-12-01 39
介绍各种食材处理的书籍 食谱英语作文摘要: 传统食物的做法及材料英语作文?First select a suitable pan and use vegetable or olive oil to saute your ve...


First select a suitable pan and use vegetable or olive oil to saute your vegetables.

Heat the oil on high heat. This is essential to ensure the vegetables cook quickly before releasing to much water.

Remember you want to saute the vegetables in oil and not boil them in their own water.

介绍各种食材处理的书籍 食谱英语作文

Throughout the sauteing process don't overcrowd the pan, therefore you want to give the vegetables plenty of

breathing room to allow for a quick brown. Cook until veggies are browned, about four minutes don't overcook. If you

h***e many vegetables to saute cook two batches.

介绍各种食材处理的书籍 食谱英语作文


There are potatoes in the fridge. 

The tomatoes are in the fridge. 

The meat is frozen in the fridge. 

介绍各种食材处理的书籍 食谱英语作文

The  food is fresh in the fridge. 

I can see a lot of food in my fridge, for example: fresh toast, eggs,eggplant, chicken, milk, juice, watermelon, pepper, cake,ham. 


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