八大菜系 英语,八大菜系英语介绍
chinese food can be divided into eight regional cuisines. These include shandong cuisine, beijing, shanghai cuisine.All These cuisines are totally different.
Cold and hot appetizers
1、steamed fresh scallop seasonal price
2、deep fried lobster in salt and chilli seasonal price
3、braised lobster with ginger and spring onions seasonal price
4、crispy sqring rolls
5、sesame prawn on toast
烧饼:Clay oven rolls 油条:Fried bread stick
韭菜盒:Fried leek dumplings 水饺:Boiled dumplings
蒸饺:Steamed dumplings 馒头:Steamed buns
饭团:Rice and vegetable roll 咸鸭蛋:Salted duck egg
豆浆:Soybean milk 阳春面:plain noodle
火锅:fire pot 卤肉饭:Braised pork rice
中华文化博大精深源远流长,中国的传统食物也有很多特色食物,并且由于每个民族的地域、风俗等因素,各个地方都有自己的独特的地方特色食品,如:四川三大炮、湖南口味虾 、湖北热干面、广东虾饺、北京烤鸭等等。
烧饼: Clay oven rolls 油条:Fried bread stick
韭荣盒:Fried leek dumplings 水饺:Boiled dumplings
咸鸭蛋:Slted duck egg 北京烤鸭:Beijing duck
蒸饺: Sleamed dmpins 馒头:Sleamed buns
饭团: Rice and vegetable roll 火锅: fire pot
豆浆: Soybean mik 卤肉饭: Braised pork rice
中华文化博大精深源远流长,中的的传统美食也有很多特色食物,并且由于每个民族的地域、风俗等因素,各个地方都有自己独特的地方的特色食品,如:四川三大炮、湖南口味虾. 湖北热干面、广东虾饺、北京烤鸭等等。
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