了解中国八大菜系 川菜作文英语
Putonghua is a basic way of daily communication for Chinese people.Putonghua is a basic way of daily communication for Chinese people. As a from Sichuan, he speaks Mandarin with the fl***or of Sichuan. With a unique Sichuan accent.This is the Mandarin of Sichuan fl***or.
Sichuan cuisine, dishes diversity, taste fresh and strong and, to make good use of spicy, and with its unique cooking methods and full-bodied local fl***or, is one of China's four big cuisines.
Chengdu famous snack has pengzhou recuperat GuoKui, pengzhou nine feet, shuangliu rabbit head control, sliced beef and ox tongue in chili sauce, Dan Dan noodles, dragon reading hands, zhong dumplings, Korea's steamed stuffed bun, three guns, rice dumplings, a root surface,and so on.
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