烹饪风味英语 烹饪技巧有哪些,烹饪风味英语 烹饪技巧有哪些呢
I like to cook because I want to let others eat my cooking products.I want to see their face with a ***ile when they feel my foods are tasty and good.I would feel happy when I see their ***ile and eating h***ily.Since those foods are being cooked by my hard,heart and love.I hope that they can feel it.
However,I do not like to clean and wash the dishes and tools.It is because those dishes and tools are oily and dirty.They are different to clean and wash.
Therefore,I always h***e the problem of cook and clean.I love cook,but I hate clean.
将cook放入一个句子中,例如:“我的妈妈是一名出色的厨师,她擅长烹饪各种美食。” 通过语境记忆法,你可以将cook与具体的场景联系起来,从而更容易记住这个单词。
Last weekend,I cooked for my parents. It's my first time to cook as my parents always cook for me. I wanted to do something to make them h***y. I went to the market to buy the vegetable and meat. I was used to think the cooking is a very easy thing. But I was shocked when I arrived market. I don't know how to buy good ones.
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