食谱英文 菜系介绍 厨艺怎么写,食谱英文 菜系介绍 厨艺怎么写的
Chinese food can be divided into eight regional cuisines. These include shandong cuisine, beijing, shanghai cuisine.All These cuisines are totally different.
Cold and hot appetizers
1、steamed fresh scallop seasonal price
2、deep fried lobster in salt and chilli seasonal price
3、braised lobster with ginger and spring onions seasonal price
4、crispy sqring rolls
5、sesame prawn on toast
aExcuse me, I'd like to try some Chinese food. 打扰了,我想试试中餐。
bWe serve excellent Chinese food. Which style do you prefer?
aI know nothing about Chinese food. Could you give me some suggestions?
bIt's divided into 8 big cuisines such as Cantonese food, Shandong food, Sichuan food etc.中餐分为8个菜系,例如粤菜、鲁菜、川菜等等。aIs there any difference?
bYes, Cantonese food is lighter while Shandong food is he***ier and spicy.
aHow about Sichuan food?
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